What Cage Should I Buy for My Parakeet?

We get asked “Which cage should I buy for my parakeet?” a lot over in our I Love Parakeets Facebook Group, so I thought it would be good to make a resource here. We’ve taken a look at and gotten feedback on several cages and we keep coming back to the Hagen Vision 2 cage. You can buy it through here.
The Vision 2 has two food trays accessible from the outside through separate plastic flaps with latches. To prevent contamination, each tray has its own deflector to keep out debris.
There are two front openings. Just one of them is big enough for an arm or hand. With both hatches open, it’s pretty easy to reach inside and move around to play with your budgies, install new perches and toys, etc.
All of the latches are plastic and pretty easy to unlatch or latch and have wide handles.
The entire top part of the cage lifts off, allowing easy access to the bottom for cleaning. There’s a wire cage on the bottom so that if your birds venture below they can do so without touching any of the debris that falls through the wire bottom.
The cage is fairly light and easy to carefully transport from one room to another if the need arises. Just be careful that your path is clear, as the cage is rather large and you probably won’t be able to see your feet.
The plastic perches are adequate, but I replaced one with a wooden perch to give our birds a little nicer place to rest. We recommend a manzanita branch perch like this one.

Can anyone advise me on where I can buy a parakeet? I Live in Bradford would love to own a parakeet. where could I buy a cage?
Thanks for asking! If at all possible, I definitely encourage you to abide by the “Adopt, don’t shop” mantra. See if the local Humane Society or rescue organizations in your area have birds up for adoption. Or check sites like Craigslist to see if someone is need of rehoming their bird. Avoid breeders and pet stores if possible. You can get cages on Amazon or at local stores though. You can find our recommendation for a cage here: http://iloveparakeets.com/what-cage-should-i-buy-for-my-parakeet/ . Good luck on your quest to become a parakeet parent!